• NOTE : Students’ participants must be registered to a Landscape Architecture program offered by a Canadian university.

Images Submission


Credits to the image (if needed)


Credits to the image (if needed)


Credits to the image (if needed)


Credits to the image (if needed)


Landscapes title
Give an easily recognizable title for your images,
Landscapes Localization
Indicate as precisely as possible where the images was taken - street/road/park/known site, town/village, province
Landscape Credits
All images submitted must be authorized by the Author. If your images were copyrighted by professional photographers, you can credit their work in the “Image Credit” field..
Landscapes description
Describe in few words (25 to 100) how and why this specific designed landscape is memorable to you - what makes it special,
It could be the materials used or the way they were used, exceptional execution, its very successful overall design, its perfect adaptation to the spirit of the place or its history, etc.
Images file
Give an easily recognizable title to your file - your name & the images title:
  • files should be jpg, sRGBl
  • 2 000 kb max
  • 1 200 pixels (portrait or landscape orientation)
Required fields
Fields in red and with the symbol are required. At least on image and text has to be submitted. The General Conditions need to be accepted.
Canadian Landscapes Portfolio General Conditions
The AUTHOR consent and authorize the use of the SUBMISSION’S by CSLA and its representatives for any purpose whatsoever including, without limitations: reproductions in all media, publications, display, broadcast and exhibitions for promotion, advertising, trade, art or illustration.
The AUTHOR agrees the SUBMISSION(S) may be used without compensation for an unlimited time. If the Images are to be used, the AUTHOR’S name will be indicated.
The AUTHOR keeps the ownership to the SUBMISSION(S).


The AUTHOR consent and authorize the use of the SUBMISSION’S by CSLA and its representatives for any purpose whatsoever including, without limitations: reproductions in all media, publications, display, broadcast and exhibitions for promotion, advertising, trade, art or illustration.

The AUTHOR agrees the SUBMISSION(S) may be used without compensation for an unlimited time. If the Images are to be used, the AUTHOR’S name will be indicated.

The AUTHOR keeps the ownership to the SUBMISSION(S).

You are looking for more information on the 2016 Portfolio?
Or 2017?

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Lac des castors… Parc du Mont Royal (QC)
Auto Reply
We want to thank you for your interest in the Portfolio Initiative. We will answer to your request as soon as possible…

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Coordination team - Jean Landry
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